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becks - Büro des Beauftragten für behinderte und chronisch kranke Studierende

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Welcome to the becks Homepage!

We are your contact point for all questions related to studying with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses and are looking forward to meeting you in person.
Our consultation is always confidential, independent and free of charge.

You can schedule a personal consultation appointment by contacting us via e-mail.

becks will be taking a Summerbreak in August 2024. We will resume consultations starting September 09th, 2024.

Office of the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

Wölfelstraße 2, second floor, room no. 205
95444 Bayreuth

phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4506
e-mail: becks@uni-bayreuth.de 


Webmaster: Nicole Marina Klug

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